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  西蒙·戈德伯格(Szymon Goldberg 1909~1993)      


西蒙·戈德伯格(Szymon Goldberg 1909-1993)于1909年6月1日出生在波兰的沃罗克劳维克一个中等富裕的小业主家庭,父亲经营着一个不大的面粉厂。戈德伯格幼年时十分喜爱音乐,而且在这方面显露出了过人的才华。他很小就会弹奏曼陀林,而且对这件乐器爱不释手,到了七岁那年,戈德伯格开始学习拉小提琴,他的第一位老师是一位名叫查波林斯基的小提琴家。这位老师曾经是著名小提琴教育家塞夫契克的学生。戈德伯格在跟随他学习期间,进步速度非常快,更为重要的是,这段时期的学习为他日后的小提琴演奏打下了坚实的基础。后来,戈德伯格一家迁居到了首都华沙,在这里,他又拜在了以教育少年小提琴演奏新秀而著称的名师米哈罗维奇的门下刻苦学习,在小提琴演奏技艺上不断地取得了一个又一个的新突破。由于他才华出众且又进展神速,九岁时的他就已开始在舞台上露面了。













  Obituary: Szymon Goldberg

Szymon Goldberg, violinist and conductor: born Wloclawek, Poland 1 June 1909; Concertmaster, Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra 1925-29; Concertmaster, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra 1929-34; Music Director, Netherlands Chamber Orchestra 1955-77; Conductor, New Japan Philharmonic Orchestra 1990-93; married; died Toyama, Japan 19 July 1993.

SZYMON GOLDBERG had the rare distinction of being internationally acclaimed both as a virtuoso violinist and conductor. His teacher, Carl Flesch, considered him one of the violinists who had come closest to achieving the perfect balance between technique and interpretation.

Szymon Goldberg was born in 1909 in Wloclawek, in central Poland, and had his first lessons at the age of seven with Mieczyslaw Mihalowicz in Warsaw. The following year, his family moved to Berlin, where he became a pupil of Flesch. He made his debut in Warsaw in 1921, when he was only 12, but acting on Flesch's advice he waited until he was 15 before attempting a debut with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra. Here, he distinguished himself by playing - in one evening - three of the most demanding concertos in the repertoire, the Bach E major, Joachim's Hungarian, and the Paganini No 1.

Although, following this accomplishment, Goldberg made several successful solo concert tours, Flesch considered it important for him to gain some orchestral experience; so at 16, he became leader of the Dresden Philharmonic. As a result he was noticed by Wilhelm Furtwangler, who offered him the leadership of the Berlin Philharmonic, a post he held from 1929 to 1934. During this time, Goldberg continued his solo appearances and also played in a trio with Paul Hindemith and Emanuel Feuermann, as a replacement for Joseph Wolfsthal who had died suddenly at the age of 31 from the effects of influenza.
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When the Nazis came to power, the Berlin Philharmonic was obliged to dismiss all its Jewish members, and although Furtwangler tried hard to intercede on his behalf, Goldberg was given no choice but to concentrate on a solo career abroad. With the pianist Lili Kraus as his partner in sonata recitals, he played all over Europe, Japan, China and the Dutch East Indies, and in 1938 he made a highly successful American debut.

In 1942, when appearing in Java, he was taken prisoner and interned by the Japanese until 1945, after which he resumed his career and extended his touring to Australia, South Africa and the Americas. For 15 years he was a faculty member of the Aspen Festival, where he formed the Festival Quartet with the pianist Victor Babin, the viola player William Primrose and the cellist Nikolai Graudan and, as such, they made a number of fine recordings and concert appearances. In 1955, Goldberg took up a new challenge as a conductor, when he was appointed Music Director of the newly founded Netherlands Chamber Orchestra. Here, he achieved international success as a soloist-conductor in violin concertos and concerti grossi and included not only the symphonies of Haydn and Mozart but also orchestral works by modern composers, particularly Bartok and Hindemith. He later appeared as guest conductor with the BBC Symphony Orchestra, the London Symphony Orchestra and the orchestras of Boston, Chicago and Cleveland.

In his Great Masters of the Violin (1984), Boris Schwarz wrote: 'Goldberg is a masterful violinist whose sole concern is the interpretation of great music, to the exclusion of all virtuoso frills. His technique is flawless, his tone warm and pure, his sense of style and his musical taste exquisite. His peformance style stresses refinement, intimacy and noble intensity equally evident in the classical repertoire and modern works.'

Goldberg made some fine recordings, the most memorable being the Mozart Violin sonatas with the Romanian pianist Radu Lupu. Goldberg also found time for teaching and held important posts in the Juilliard School, Yale University and the Curtis Institute, Pennsylvania, and in 1953 became an American citizen. He also lived for some time in London and in 1987 finally settled in Japan.

As a man he was well liked and greatly respected by his fellow musicians. Professor Yfrah Neaman told me: 'He was never a man for small talk. If he gave an opinion it was only after he had given considerable thought to the matter, and as a result his judgement was never questioned.'

(Photograph omitted)

     讣告:西蒙·戈德伯格(Szymon Goldberg)

小提琴手兼指挥西蒙·戈德伯格:1909年6月1日生于波兰Wloclawek;德累斯顿爱乐乐团音乐大师1925-29;柏林爱乐乐团管弦乐团1929-34;音乐总监,荷兰室乐团1955-77;新日本爱乐乐团指挥1990-93;已婚; 1993年7月19日死于富山。

SZYMON GOLDBERG在国际上被誉为小提琴家和指挥家的作品有着罕见的特点。他的老师Carl Flesch认为他是最接近实现技术和演绎之间完美平衡的小提琴手之一。

Szymon Goldberg于1909年出生于波兰中部的Wloclawek,并在华沙与Mieczyslaw Mihalowicz在七岁时开始了他的第一课。次年,他的家人搬到了柏林,在那里他成为了弗莱施的学生。他于1921年在华沙首次亮相,当时他只有12岁,但根据弗莱施的建议,他一直等到15岁才尝试与柏林爱乐乐团首次亮相。在这里,他通过在一个晚上播放三首要求最高的协奏曲中的三首协奏曲,巴赫E大调,约阿希姆的匈牙利曲目和帕格尼尼第一曲。

尽管在这一成就之后,戈德堡取得了多次成功的独奏音乐会之旅,但Flesch认为获得一些管弦乐经验对他来说很重要;因此在16岁时,他成为德累斯顿爱乐乐团的领袖。因此他被Wilhelm Furtwangler注意到,他为他提供了柏林爱乐乐团的领导,这是他从1929年到1934年的一个职位。在此期间,Goldberg继续他的独奏表演,并与Paul Hindemith和Emanuel Feuermann作为约瑟夫沃尔夫斯塔尔的替代品,他在31岁时因流感的影响而突然死亡。

当纳粹掌权时,柏林爱乐乐团不得不解雇其所有的犹太成员,尽管富特文格勒努力代表他进行演讲,但戈德伯格别无选择,只能专注于海外独奏生涯。钢琴家Lili Kraus作为他在奏鸣曲演奏中的合作伙伴,演奏了遍及欧洲,日本,中国和荷属东印度群岛的音乐,并于1938年取得了非常成功的美国首演。

1942年,当他出现在爪哇岛时,他被俘虏并被日本人拘留,直到1945年,之后他重新开始了他的职业生涯,并将其巡回到澳大利亚,南非和美洲。 15年来,他是Aspen音乐节的一名教师,在那里与钢琴家Victor Babin,中提琴手William Primrose和大提琴手Nikolai Graudan组成了四重奏节目,并因此录制了许多精美的录音和演唱会场面。 1955年,当他被任命为新成立的荷兰室内乐团的音乐总监时,戈德堡接任了新的挑战指挥家。在这里,他以独奏指挥的身份在小提琴协奏曲和协奏曲中取得了国际性的成功,不仅收录了海顿和莫扎特的交响曲,还收录了现代作曲家特别是巴托克和欣德米特的管弦乐作品。后来他出任英国广播公司交响乐团,伦敦交响乐团以及波士顿,芝加哥和克利夫兰管弦乐团的客座指挥。



作为一名男子,他非常受到他的音乐家们的喜爱和尊重。 Yfrah Neaman教授告诉我:“他从来不是一个闲聊的人。如果他发表了意见,那么只有在他对此事进行了深入思考之后,他的判断从未受到质疑。“



Artist Biography by
Szymon Goldberg was one of the notable violinists of the twentieth century.

His family moved to Warsaw when he was a child, where he began violin studies at the age of seven. He went to Berlin in 1917, studying with the great pedagogue Carl Flesch.

He debuted at a recital in Warsaw in 1921, and with the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra in 1924 in a memorable concert in which he played three concertos. He was concertmaster of the Dresden State Orchestra (1925-1929) and the Berlin Philharmonic (1929-1934). With composer/violist Paul Hindemith and cellist Emmanuel Feuerman he formed an important string trio.

He was forced to leave the Berlin Philharmonic in 1934 because of the onset of Nazi rule in Germany. He began touring Europe and the Far East as a soloist, and with pianist Lili Kraus formed one of the great recital partnerships. He and Kraus recorded a historic series of Mozart sonata recordings on the Parlophone label.

He debuted in New York in 1938. He was on a tour of the Dutch East Indies when it was occupied by the Japanese in 1942, and was interned there for the duration of the war. He resumed his international career in 1946. He toured widely and established a teaching and conducting career. In 1951 he joined the faculty of the Aspen Music Festival and in 1955 founded the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra, one of the pioneers of the chamber orchestra music.

He took American citizenship in 1953. He resigned from the Aspen Festival in 1965. He conducted several of the world's leading orchestras and made highly regarded recordings of modern violin repertory and revisited the Mozart sonatas, this time with Radu Lupu as his partner. He moved to London in 1969.

He resigned from the Netherlands Chamber Orchestra in 1977 and the next year joined both the faculty of Yale University in New Haven, CT, and New York's Juilliard School. He also taught at the Manhattan School of Music and the Curtis Institute.


Szymon Goldberg是二十世纪着名的小提琴手之一。


他于1921年在华沙举行的独奏音乐会上首次亮相,并于1924年与柏林爱乐乐团合作举办了一场令人难忘的音乐会,演奏了三首协奏曲。他是德累斯顿国家管弦乐团(1925-1929)和柏林爱乐乐团(1929-1934)的高管。作曲家/小提琴手Paul Hindemith和大提琴手Emmanuel Feuerman组成了一支重要的弦乐三重奏组。


他于1938年在纽约首次亮相。他于1942年被日本人占领时正在参观荷属东印度群岛,并在战争期间在那里实习。他于1946年重新开始他的国际职业生涯。他广泛巡回演出并确立了教学和指导职业生涯。 1951年,他加入了阿斯本音乐节系,并于1955年成立了室内乐团音乐先驱之一荷兰室内乐团。



Szymon Goldberg and Mito Chamber Orchestra Live in Japan 1993

  S-VHS → PC J.S.Bach: Orchestral Suite No.2 BWV.1067 Mozart: Symphony No.40 K.550 Haydn: Symphony No.82 "L'Ours" Szymon Goldberg (1909.6.1 - 1993.7.19) Shigenori Kudo [fl] Mito Chamber Orchestra 1993.4.10 Ibaragi. Japan Live      
  S-VHS→PC J.S.巴赫:管弦乐第二组曲BWV.1067莫扎特:40号交响曲海顿:82号交响曲《我们》;Szymon Goldberg (1909.6.1 - 1993.7.19) Shigenori Kudo [fl] Mito室内乐团1993.4.10 Ibaragi。日本生活      


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