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                                             莫扎特之旅整理 文/图 2020-10-27 110:00



莫扎特的525 (G大调弦乐小夜曲)中的开场快板。2016年7月,月之谷音乐节,用原创乐器演奏。
The opening allegro from Mozart's Eine Kleine Nachtmusik K.525 (Serenade for Strings in G Major). from the Valley of the Moon Music Festival, July, 2016, performed on original instruments.


  G大调弦乐小夜曲(作品K.525)是十八世纪中叶器乐小夜曲的典范,莫扎特于1787年8月24日在维也纳创作完成。并以当时最时髦的德文用语 Kleine Nachtmusik,Eine(一首小夜曲)命名。该作品最早为弦乐合奏,后被改编为弦乐五重奏和弦乐四重奏,尤以弦乐四重奏最为流行,是莫扎特十三首小夜曲中最受人们欢迎和喜爱的一首。

月亮谷音乐节的室内乐音乐会在演奏中(Valley of the Moon Music Festival)
月亮谷音乐节的总监谷埃里克·齐维安和坦亚·汤金斯(EricZivian TanyaTomkins)说,我们要将古典和浪漫时期室内音乐在乐器上的独特声音带给索诺玛和其他地方的观众,并在我们的即将到来的培训计划中拓展了室内音乐家的视野。
Valley of the Moon Music Festival
Bringing the compelling sound of period instruments to the world of Romantic and Classical chamber music.
Expanding the horizons of up-and-coming chamber musicians and audiences alike.
Providing historical context to enhance the concert experience.
Valley of the Moon Music Festival brings the unique sound of Classical and Romantic chamber music on period instruments to audiences in Sonoma and beyond, and expands the horizons of up-and-coming chamber musicians in our Apprenticeship Program.
本周的露天节目中,嘉宾主持人朱迪思·西格(Judith Seeger)与大提琴家坦尼娅·汤姆金斯(Tanya Tomkins)和钢琴家埃里克·齐维安(Eric Zivian)谈论即将举行的月亮谷音乐节,他们分别是联合创始人,艺术和音乐总监。单簧管演奏家埃里克·霍普里希(Eric Hoeprich)也加入了录音室-现场音乐表演!

月亮谷音乐节本周末在索诺玛的汉娜男孩中心开幕,持续到7月30日。连续三个周末举行六场音乐会,音乐节旨在庆祝作曲家罗伯特·舒曼(Robert Schumann,1810-1856年),他的音乐及其对音乐的影响他周围的音乐世界。

艾米·穆勒(Amy Mueller)也停下来,讨论她担任艺术总监的第40届年度海湾地区剧作家节;她与剧作家尼兰·约翰逊(Nilan Johnson)和舞台导演Desdemona Chiang一起,谈论尼兰的戏剧“濒危物种”,这是40周年湾区剧作家节的一部分,直到7月23日,在心脏萨特街533号的Custom Made Theatre举行。旧金山剧院区。

此外,钢琴家格洛里亚·钱(Gloria Chien)还会路过,分享有关本年度室内音乐节和曼罗音乐学院的详细信息,该音乐节将于本周末开放,持续至8月5日。曼罗音乐15周年纪念版的主题是“光荣小提琴”。 钱将弹钢琴和大键琴,并在7月15日至24日之间举行五场不同的音乐会。

The Valley of the Moon Music Festival,
This week on Open Air, guest host Judith Seeger talks with cellist Tanya Tomkins and pianist Eric Zivian about the upcoming Valley of the Moon Music Festival, of which they are co-founders, and artistic and music directors, respectively. Also joining in the studio is clarinetist Eric Hoeprich - and there will be live music!
The Valley of the Moon Music Festival opens this weekend at the Hanna Boys Center in Sonoma and runs through July 30. With six concerts over three consecutive weekends, the festival celebrates composer Robert Schumann (1810-1856), his music, and his influence on the musical world around him.
Also stopping by is Amy Mueller, to discuss the 40th Annual Bay Area Playwrights Festival of which she is artistic director; and she brings with her playwright Nilan Johnson and stage director Desdemona Chiang to talk about Nilan’s play ‘Endangered Species’, which is part of the 40th Anniversary Bay Area Playwrights Festival, through July 23, at Custom Made Theatre, 533 Sutter Street in the heart of San Francisco’s Theater District.
Plus, pianist Gloria Chien stops by to share details about this year’s Chamber Music Festival and Institute Music @ Menlo, which opens this weekend and runs through August 5. Theme of this 15th anniversary edition of Music @ Menlo is ‘The Glorious Violin’. Chien will play piano and harpsichord and perform in five different concerts between July 15 and 24.
Open Air with guest host Judith Seeger; heard live on Thursday, July 13, 2017. Listen now or anytime…
为了介绍贝多芬的不朽的钢琴和小提琴奏鸣曲“克罗采”“ Kreutzer”,普利策奖获奖诗人丽塔·多夫(Rita Dove)分享了她的诗“布里奇托尔”,其中讲述了英国黑人小提琴演奏家乔治·布里奇托尔故事,奏鸣曲最初是献给他的。 对所有的人来说,布里奇托尔的首演是惊人的。 但不幸的是,贝多芬经常与朋友和同事发生争吵,这与他曾经的好朋友布里奇托威尔没有什么不同。 在一场争吵之后,贝多芬放弃了这种题献,把它赠予了不那么合适的小提琴家鲁道夫·克鲁策。 具有讽刺意味的是,克鲁采认为这首曲子“令人难以置信”,却从未演奏过!
在丽塔·多夫的精彩介绍之后,TANK荣誉桂冠获奖者雷切尔·艾伦·王和音乐总监埃里克·齐维安演奏了这部史诗级的史诗作品。把我们带入这个 令人激动人心的网络音乐会当中!

小提琴家雷切尔·艾伦·王是历史演奏和现代小提琴演奏舞台上的一颗冉冉升起的新星,他在2020年获得了享有声望的Avery Fisher职业奖学金。她曾在美国,加拿大以及英国,加拿大,意大利哥斯达黎加,巴拿马,中国和新西兰演出。她是一位颇受追捧的合作者,她是这一代人中最杰出的历史表演者之一,其声誉日渐高涨,他的演出包括美国巴赫独奏家和古代音乐学院等受人尊敬的合奏,以及与日本巴赫学院,Les Arts Florissants,和别的。 王女士在现代小提琴上的成就同样出色,她11岁时首次在西北爱乐乐团公开露面,此后作为独奏家与西雅图交响乐团,墨西哥国立巴拿马音乐学校和墨西哥国歌剧院(哥斯达黎加)合作演出。
王小姐曾担任2019-2020年水星室内乐团茱莉亚德院士以及美国英语音乐会美国院士。她的无数奖项包括首届Lillian和Maurice Barbash J.S.巴赫比赛特等奖。她使用约阿希姆·蒂尔克(Joachim Tielke)学校的巴洛克小提琴和卡洛·德·马奇(Carlo de March)的现代小提琴演奏。
埃里克·齐维安(Eric Zivian)是音乐指导和月亮谷音乐节的联合创始人,毕业于柯蒂斯音乐学院,并获得音乐学士学位。他继续获得茱莉亚音乐学院和耶鲁音乐学院的研究生学位。他与加里·格拉夫曼(Gary Graffman)和彼得·塞金(Peter Serkin)学习钢琴,并与内德·罗勒姆(Ned Rorem),雅各布·德鲁克曼(Jacob Druckman)和马丁·布雷斯尼克(Martin Bresnick)一起学习作曲。他以表演者和作曲家的身份参加了坦格伍德音乐中心。
自2000年以来,Zivian先生在原始乐器上进行了大量表演,曾在Zivian-Tomkins二重奏组和Benvenue Fortepiano三重奏组演奏过长钢琴。他还是左海岸室内乐团成员,并曾与Empyrean乐团和Earplay合作演出。他是旧金山音乐学院室内音乐系列的常客艺术家。 Zivian先生的作品已在美国和日本东京广泛演出。
贝多芬的“ Kreutzer”奏鸣曲手稿
To introduce Beethoven’s monumental “Kreutzer” Sonata for piano and violin, Pulitzer Prize winning poet Rita Dove shares her poem “The Bridgetower”, about the virtuosic Black English violinist George Bridgetower, to whom the Sonata was originally dedicated. To all accounts Bridgetower’s premiere performance was stunning. But Beethoven’s frequent fallings out with friends and colleagues was unfortunately no different with his one-time great friend, Bridgetower. After a quarrel, Beethoven rescinded the dedication and bestowed it on the much less appropriate violinist, Rudolphe Kreutzer. Ironically, Kreutzer deemed the piece “outrageously unintelligible” and never played it!
Following Dove’s fascinating introduction, TANK Trust Laureate* Rachell Wong and Music Director Eric Zivian take on this epic work on period instruments. Join us for this exciting virtual event!
*The Valley of the Moon Music Festival TANK Trust Laureate Program supports the development of emerging professional musicians performing on period instruments. For more information, please see: https://valleyofthemoonmusicfestival.org/tank-trust-laureate-program/
A rising star on both the historical performance and modern violin stages, violinist Rachell Ellen Wong is a 2020 recipient of a prestigious Avery Fisher Career Grant. She has performed throughout the United States and Canada, as well as in the UK, Canada, Italy Costa Rica, Panama, China, and New Zealand. A sought-after collaborator, her growing reputation as one of the top historical performers of her generation has resulted in appearances with such respected ensembles as the American Bach Soloists and The Academy of Ancient Music, and tours with Bach Collegium Japan, Les Arts Florissants, and others. Equally accomplished on the modern violin, Ms. Wong made her first public appearance with the Philharmonia Northwest at age 11 and has since performed as a soloist with such orchestras as Seattle Symphony, Orquesta Sinfónica Nacional de Panamá, and Orquesta Sinfónica (Costa Rica).
Miss Wong served as a 2019-2020 Mercury Chamber Orchestra Juilliard Fellow, and as an American Fellow of The English Concert. Her numerous awards include the inaugural Lillian and Maurice Barbash J.S. Bach Competition Grand Prize, among others. She performs on a baroque violin from the school of Joachim Tielke, and on a modern violin by Carlo de March.
Music Director and Co-Founder of the Valley of the Moon Music Festival, Eric Zivian graduated from the Curtis Institute of Music, where he received a Bachelor of Music degree. He went on to receive graduate degrees from the Juilliard School and the Yale School of Music. He studied piano with Gary Graffman and Peter Serkin and composition with Ned Rorem, Jacob Druckman, and Martin Bresnick. He attended the Tanglewood Music Center both as a performer and as a composer.
Since 2000, Mr. Zivian has performed extensively on original instruments, playing fortepiano in the Zivian-Tomkins Duo and the Benvenue Fortepiano Trio. He is also a member of the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble and has performed with the Empyrean Ensemble and Earplay. He is a frequent guest artist on the San Francisco Conservatory’s faculty chamber music series. Mr. Zivian’s compositions have been performed widely in the United States and in Tokyo, Japan.
In 2020, Eric is performing the complete cycle of Beethoven’s 32 piano sonatas on fortepiano. A new weekly installment of the series is posted each Sunday on the Valley of the Moon Music Festival YouTube channel.
埃里克·齐维安(Eric Zivian)
埃里克·齐维安(Eric Zivian)是一位钢琴家,现代钢琴家和作曲家。他曾与爱乐巴洛克乐团,波特兰巴洛克乐团,圣罗莎交响乐团和多伦多交响乐团合作演出。他将于2018年4月与巴洛克爱乐乐团一起演奏贝多芬的《合唱幻想》。他是月亮谷音乐节的创始人和音乐总监,该音乐节是索诺玛的新音乐节,专门研究古典乐器和古典音乐。
埃里克(Eric)在多伦多,纽约,费城和旧金山湾区举办了独奏音乐会。自2000年以来,他在复音钢琴上进行了广泛的表演,是兹维亚-托姆金斯二重奏和本华纳古典钢琴三重奏的成员,曾在旧金山室内音乐,洛杉矶的Da Camera系列,波士顿早期音乐,西雅图早期音乐协会和Caramoor演出。 。在现代钢琴方面,他是左海岸室内乐团的成员,并曾与Empyrean乐团,Earplay和旧金山当代音乐演奏家合作演出。
音乐总监埃里克·齐维安(EricZivian)已经接受了学习贝多芬250周年所有32首贝多芬奏鸣曲的挑战,这是一个耗时的项目,他最终可以在庇护到位的情况下承担。 作为一项耐力的壮举,这是一个挑战,不像徒步旅行太平洋山顶小径。 这也是一个很好的机会,让玩家和听众探索贝多芬的风格,以及这些宝藏的情感、幽默和灵性。 在这个周期的过程中,齐维安将使用两种不同的维也纳方音,它们与贝多芬一生中不断变化的声音世界相对应,从早期奏鸣曲的更小、更具冲击性的波莱蒂(Dulcken,1795)到1841年的原始奏鸣曲。
Eric Zivian is a fortepianist, modern pianist and composer. He has performed with the Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra, the Portland Baroque Orchestra, the Santa Rosa Symphony and the Toronto Symphony, among others. He will be performing Beethoven's Choral Fantasy with Philharmonia Baroque in April 2018. He is a founder and Music Director of the Valley of the Moon Music Festival, a new festival in Sonoma specializing in Classical and Romantic music on period instruments.
Eric has given solo recitals in Toronto, New York, Philadelphia, and the San Francisco Bay Area. He has performed extensively on fortepiano since 2000 and is a member of the Zivian-Tomkins Duo and the Benvenue Fortepiano Trio, performing at Chamber Music San Francisco, the Da Camera series in Los Angeles, Boston Early Music, the Seattle Early Music Guild and Caramoor. On modern piano, he is a member of the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble and has performed with the Empyrean Ensemble, Earplay, and the San Francisco Contemporary Music Players.
Eric's compositions have been performed widely in the United States. He was awarded an ASCAP Jacob Druckman Memorial Commission to compose an orchestral work, Three Character Pieces, which was premiered by the Seattle Symphony in March 1998.
Eric studied piano with Gary Graffman and Peter Serkin and composition with Ned Rorem, Jacob Druckman, and Martin Bresnick. He attended the Tanglewood Music Center both as a performer and as a composer.

Music Director Eric Zivian has taken up the challenge of learning all 32 Beethoven sonatas for Beethoven’s 250th anniversary year, a time-consuming project he can finally take on while sheltered in place. As a feat of endurance, it’s a challenge not unlike hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. It is also a wonderful opportunity for the player and listener to explore the full range of Beethoven’s style, and the emotion, humor, and spirituality of these treasures.
Over the course of the cycle, Zivian will use two different Viennese fortepianos corresponding with the changing sound world during Beethoven’s lifetime, from a smaller, more percussive Poletti (copy of Dulcken, 1795) for the earlier sonatas, to an original 1841 Rausch for the later sonatas.                                

坦尼娅·汤金斯(Cellist Tanya Tomkins)
大提琴演奏家坦尼娅·汤金斯是索诺玛市月亮谷音乐节的艺术总监兼联合创始人,他同样喜欢巴洛克和现代乐器。她曾在许多室内乐系列演出中获得好评,包括弗里克(Frick)精选,林肯中心(Lincoln Center),第92街Y号,旧金山表演和Concertgebouw Kleine Zaal的“精彩表演”。

她以对巴赫大提琴组的诠释而特别着名,她为Avie唱片录制了唱片,并在纽约的Le Poisson Rouge,西雅图Early Music Guild,Vancouver Early Music Society和The Library of国会。在过去的20年中,Tanya一直是旧金山爱乐乐团巴洛克乐团和波特兰巴洛克乐团的首席大提琴家之一,并曾多次作为独奏家出现。

在现代大提琴上,她长期参加了犹他州的摩押音乐节,纳帕葡萄园的音乐,并且是左海岸室内乐团的一员,最近她成为了位于湾区的德尔斐的一员。三重奏作为一名教育家,塔尼亚(Tanya)在耶鲁大学(Yale),茱莉亚音乐学院(Juilliard)和旧金山音乐学院(San Francisco Conservatory of Music)开设了大师班,并与埃里克·齐维安(Eric Zivian)一起在月之谷音乐节举办学徒计划。
Cellist Tanya Tomkins
Artistic Director and Co-Founder of the Valley of the Moon Music Festival in Sonoma, cellist Tanya Tomkins is equally at home on Baroque and modern instruments. She has performed on many chamber music series to critical acclaim, including the Frick Collection, “Great Performances” at Lincoln Center, the 92nd Street Y, San Francisco Performances, and the Concertgebouw Kleine Zaal.

She is renowned in particular for her interpretation of the Bach Cello Suites, having recorded them for the Avie label and performed them many times at venues such as New York’s Le Poisson Rouge, Seattle Early Music Guild, Vancouver Early Music Society, and The Library of Congress. For the past 20 years Tanya has been one of San Francisco’s Philharmonia Baroque Orchestra and Portland Baroque Orchestra’s principal cellists, and has appeared with both numerous times as soloist.

On modern cello, she is a long-time participant at the Moab Music Festival in Utah, Music in the Vineyards in Napa, and a member of the Left Coast Chamber Ensemble and she recently be-came a member of the Bay Area-based Delphi Trio. As an educator, Tanya has given master classes at Yale, Juilliard, and the San Francisco Conservatory of Music, and together with Eric Zivian, runs the Apprenticeship Program at the Valley of the Moon Music Festival.

埃里克·齐维安(Eric Zivian)用古钢琴演绎贝多芬月光奏鸣曲
古钢琴(fortepiano),1700年由意大利乐器制造家巴尔托洛奥·克里斯托福里(Bartolomeo Cristofori,1655-1731)发明(他也是小键琴的发明人),是钢琴的前身,在18世纪至19世纪初颇为流行。以下美国最具代表性的早期古典音乐(以文艺复兴至巴洛克时期的音乐为主)演奏组织Voices of Music中的乐师Eric Zivian以古钢琴演绎贝多芬月光奏鸣曲的视频。大家可以感受一下古钢琴与
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