2009年9月12日) |
Violinist and educator from the United States of
America Ma Si-Hon
(April 3, 1925
- September 12, 2009) |
马思宏一直称自己为旅美中国小提琴家。1960年和1964年与钢琴家夫人董光光曾经两度赴台湾演出。1980年,他和夫人回到了阔别30多年的祖国,在上海和北京成功地举行了独奏音乐会。2007年12月,马思宏偕夫人回广州参加了马思聪夫妇骨灰安葬仪式,还参加了在北京中央音乐学院举行的《马思聪全集》首发式。 |
▲马思宏和夫人董光光 |
Ma Si-Hon violin; Tung Kwong-Kwong piano
Ma Si-Hon (馬思宏), violin; Tung Kwong-Kwong
(董光光), piano
Award)的小提琴家。1954年他與著名鋼琴家董光光女士結為伉儷。董光光女士生於1923年。上海人,早年跟隨母親-中國早期的鋼琴家王瑞嫻學琴,後師從意大利鋼琴家指揮家梅·帕器學習鋼琴。1945年與上海工部局樂隊合作,演奏勃拉姆斯的第一鋼琴協奏曲,同台的還有後來成為丈夫的馬思宏演奏了勃拉姆斯的小提琴協奏曲。到美國後跟隨世界著名鋼琴家施納貝爾學琴,也是施納貝爾的最後一個學生。 |
▲马思宏和夫人董光光 |
Ma Si-Hon violin; Tung Kwong-Kwong piano
▲马思宏和夫人董光光 |
Ma Si-Hon violin; Tung Kwong-Kwong piano
1954年马思宏与钢琴家董光光结为伉俪。夫妻二人活跃在欧洲、美国和亚洲,被全球媒体誉为“世界最神奇的、最令人吃惊的夫妻二重奏组合”。 |
In 1954,
Ma Si-Hon
married pianist
Tung Kwong-Kwong.
The couple were active in Europe, the United States and Asia. They were
hailed by global media as "the most magical and astonishing duet duo in
the world". |
(國立傳統藝術中心臺灣音樂館) |
Mr. Tang Changguo and Ms. Shin Hak-yong,
President of the National Art College, welcomed violinist Ma Si-Hon and
pianist Tung Kwong-Kwong to the Art College for demonstration teaching.
First and second on the right are Mr. And Mrs. Tung Guangguang. |
▲晚年的马思宏还在孜孜不倦的研究小提琴演奏 |
1971年至1994年,马思宏在美国俄亥俄州肯特州立大学担任音乐教授。在此期间,他继续他的演艺事业,并继续在纽约市教授小提琴。 |
In his later years, Ma Sihong was still
studying violin performance tirelessly |
From 1971 to 1994,
Ma Si-Hong
served as a music professor at Kent State University in Ohio, USA.
During this period, he continued his acting career and also continued to
teach in New York City. |
(AP) — A violin made by the famed Antonio Stradivari in 1714 has the
potential to become the most expensive musical instrument ever sold when
it goes up for auction on Friday at Sotheby's in New York.
The auction house is estimating the value
of the “Joachim-Ma Stradivarius” at $12 million to $18 million. If it
sells at the top end of that range, it could best the $15.9 million paid
in 2011 for another Stradivarius, the “Lady Blunt,” made in 1721 and
named by Guinness World Records as the most expensive instrument ever
sold at auction.
Mari-Claudia Jimenez, Sotheby’s Americas
president and head of global business, said Stradivari made the violin
during his “Golden Period," which began around 1700 and was marked by an
improvement in his craftmanship.
"So this is the peak of his output,"
Jimenez said. "This is the best violin of this era.”
Sotheby's says the violin's preservation
is remarkable, and its ownership history extraordinary.
It's named for two of its famed owners —
violin virtuosos Joseph Joachim of Hungary, who lived from 1831 to 1907,
and Si-Hon Ma, who was born in China in 1926, moved to the U.S. in 1948
and died 2009.
It is believed that legendary composer
Johannes Brahms was influenced by the Joachim-Ma when he wrote his
“Violin Concerto in D Major” because of its rich, resonant tone, and
that Joachim played that violin during the concerto's 1879 premiere,
according to Sotheby's.
Ma acquired the violin in 1969 and his
estate gifted it to the New England Conservatory in Boston after his
death. Ma attended the conservatory, where he earned a master's degree
in 1950. The conservatory is now putting the violin up for auction, with
all the proceeds going to student scholarships. |
Ma)买下了这把琴,马思宏去世后,他的遗产捐赠给了新英格兰音乐学院(New England
Conservatory)。在过去的十年里,这把小提琴一直在音乐学院手中。2月7日,在苏富比拍卖会上这把琴以1130万美元的价格成交。 |
Sotheby's referred to
the violin as the Joachim-Ma violin, which was built by Antonio
Stradivari in 1714 in Cremona, Italy. It was most notable for having
been played for decades by Joseph Joachim, one of the most famous
violinists of the 19th century. It was acquired by violinist Si-Hon Ma
in 1967, whose estate donated it to the New England Conservatory after
his death.On February 7th, at Sotheby's auction, this piano was sold for
11.3 million US dollars. |
1925 年 4 月 3 日出生于中国广州附近。1948 年,他离开中国,就读于美国新英格兰音乐学院,1950 年获得硕士学位,1952
Schimmel 礼堂和 Merkin 音乐厅。 |
Si-Hon Ma was a solist and teacher inspired by
extraordinary passion and lively intellectual
curiosity. He performed on this Stradivari for
almost his entire career, a Stradivari owned by
Joseph Joachim, another great virtuoso of the 19th
century. The two maestros are united by a similar
artistic path: Si-Hon Ma teachers – Alfred
Wittenberg and Richard Burgin – were both students
to Joachim. Furthermore Si-Hon Ma purchased the
Stradivari owned by the famous Ungarian violinist on
August 15, 1967, the 60th anniversary of the death
of the Maestro. The instrument had not been played
in a concert for all that time. Some media wrote:
“This wonderful instrument, with its complex yet
sensitive and symbolic connotation, is a final gift
from the old Maestro to his dearest student”. Some
critics defined Si-Hon Ma “Joachim’s musical heir”.
A friend of Sau-Wing Lam, Si-Hon Ma was also born
near Canton, China, on April 3rd, 1925. He left
China in 1948 to enrol at the New England
Conservatory (USA), receiving a Masters degree in
1950 and the Artists Diploma in 1952. In 1951 he
received the Heifetz Award. He was professor of
music and performed in numerous concerts, quite
often in duet with his wife, the pianist Tung
Kwong-Kwong. He also invented a new mute for
stringed instruments, which was given the name “The
Si-Hon Mute”. In 1971 he started promoting chamber
music concerts in New York City. The first editions
were performed in the Chinese School in Chinatown,
but because of their popularity and the growing
number of enthusiasts they soon moved to the
Schimmel Auditorium and the Merkin Hall, near
Lincoln Center.
信息来源:雅虎网站 |
https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/1714-stradivarius-violin-auction-could-224531667.html |
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