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作者:James Doubek美国东部时间2025年2月8日晚9:39发布


田润德 根据詹姆斯 杜贝克James Doubek的文章 整理 文/图 2025-02-18  14:36


  ▲这把约阿希姆·马·斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴于2月3日在纽约苏富比拍卖会上展出。它以1130万美元的价格售出。( 安吉拉·韦斯/法新社/盖蒂图片社)      
  The Joachim-Ma Stradivarius violin is on display during a preview of the violin's auction at Sotheby's in New York City on Feb. 3. It sold for $11.3 million.      

纽约苏富比拍卖会上的视频显示,拍卖师高菲利(Phyllis Kao)的开价为800万美元。出价迅速升至1000万美元,然后停止了竞拍。


苏富比拍卖行称这把小提琴为约阿希姆-马小提琴,由安东尼奥·斯特拉迪瓦里于1714年在意大利克雷莫纳制造。最值得注意的是,19世纪最著名的小提琴家之一约瑟夫·约阿希姆(Joseph Joachim)演奏了几十年。1967年,小提琴家马思宏(Si-Hon Ma)买下了这把琴,马思宏去世后,他的遗产捐赠给了新英格兰音乐学院(New England Conservatory)。在过去的十年里,这把小提琴一直在音乐学院手中。

该学院表示,拍卖所得将用于一个奖学金项目。“这次拍卖对未来的学生来说是一次变革,所得款项将在新英格兰音乐学院建立最大的冠名奖学金。音乐学院院长安德里亚·凯琳(Andrea Kalyn)在一份声明中说:“我们很荣幸能拥有约阿希姆··斯特拉迪瓦里,我们渴望看到它的遗产在世界舞台上继续发扬。”

2011年,制作于1721年的“布朗特夫人”(Lady Blunt)斯特拉迪瓦里(Stradivarius)以1590万美元的价格创下了乐器拍卖的最高纪录。美国国家公共电台版权所有2025

  The original label of this violin "Joachim Ma Stradivari", made in 1714      
  A Stradivarius violin sold for $11.25 million at auction on Friday, showing the continued appeal of the legendary instruments, yet falling short of a record.

Video from the auction at Sotheby's in New York City shows auctioneer Phyllis Kao opening bidding at $8 million. Bids quickly rose to $10 million, then bidding ceased.

The final price includes auction house fees. Sotheby's said it could not share information about the identity of the buyer. The auction house had expected the instrument to sell for $12 to $18 million.

Sotheby's referred to the violin as the Joachim-Ma violin, which was built by Antonio Stradivari in 1714 in Cremona, Italy. It was most notable for having been played for decades by Joseph Joachim, one of the most famous violinists of the 19th century. It was acquired by violinist Si-Hon Ma in 1967, whose estate donated it to the New England Conservatory after his death.

The Conservatory, which has had the violin for the last decade, said the sale proceeds will go toward a scholarship program.

"The sale is transformational for future students, and proceeds will establish the largest named endowed scholarship at New England Conservatory. It has been an honor to have the Joachim-Ma Stradivari on campus, and we are eager to watch its legacy continue on the world stage," Andrea Kalyn, the Conservatory's president, said in a statement.

The record for the biggest sum paid for a musical instrument at auction remains with the "Lady Blunt" Stradivarius, made in 1721, which fetched $15.9 million in 2011.

Copyright 2025 NPR

  The late Chinese violinist Ma Si-Hon, who graduated from NEC      
  马思宏是一位独奏家和教师,他对知识充满热情,好奇心旺盛。他几乎整个职业生涯都在用这把斯特拉迪瓦里琴演奏,这把琴的主人是另一位十九世纪伟大的演奏家约瑟夫·约阿希姆。这两位大师有着相似的艺术道路:马氏的老师阿尔弗雷德·维滕贝格和理查德·伯金都曾是约阿希姆的学生。此外,马氏在1967年8月15日,即大师逝世60周年当天,买下了这位著名匈牙利小提琴家的这把斯特拉迪瓦里琴。在那段时间里,这把乐器从未在音乐会上演奏过。有媒体写道:“这把美妙的乐器,有着复杂而敏感的象征意义,是老大师送给他最亲爱的学生的最后礼物。”有评论家将马氏称为“约阿希姆的音乐继承人”。马思汉是林秀荣的朋友,他也于 1925 年 4 月 3 日出生于中国广州附近。1948 年,他离开中国,就读于美国新英格兰音乐学院,1950 年获得硕士学位,1952 年获得艺术家文凭。1951 年,他获得海菲兹奖。他担任音乐教授,举办过许多音乐会,经常与钢琴家妻子董光光一起二重奏。他还发明了一种新的弦乐器弱音器,名为“思汉弱音器”。1971 年,他开始在纽约市推广室内乐音乐会。第一场音乐会在唐人街的中国学校演出,但由于音乐会很受欢迎,爱好者越来越多,很快就转移到林肯中心附近的 Schimmel 礼堂和 Merkin 音乐厅。      
  Si-Hon Ma was a solist and teacher inspired by extraordinary passion and lively intellectual curiosity. He performed on this Stradivari for almost his entire career, a Stradivari owned by Joseph Joachim, another great virtuoso of the 19th century. The two maestros are united by a similar artistic path: Si-Hon Ma teachers – Alfred Wittenberg and Richard Burgin – were both students to Joachim. Furthermore Si-Hon Ma purchased the Stradivari owned by the famous Ungarian violinist on August 15, 1967, the 60th anniversary of the death of the Maestro. The instrument had not been played in a concert for all that time. Some media wrote: “This wonderful instrument, with its complex yet sensitive and symbolic connotation, is a final gift from the old Maestro to his dearest student”. Some critics defined Si-Hon Ma “Joachim’s musical heir”. A friend of Sau-Wing Lam, Si-Hon Ma was also born near Canton, China, on April 3rd, 1925. He left China in 1948 to enrol at the New England Conservatory (USA), receiving a Masters degree in 1950 and the Artists Diploma in 1952. In 1951 he received the Heifetz Award. He was professor of music and performed in numerous concerts, quite often in duet with his wife, the pianist Tung Kwong-Kwong. He also invented a new mute for stringed instruments, which was given the name “The Si-Hon Mute”. In 1971 he started promoting chamber music concerts in New York City. The first editions were performed in the Chinese School in Chinatown, but because of their popularity and the growing number of enthusiasts they soon moved to the Schimmel Auditorium and the Merkin Hall, near Lincoln Center.        


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